
The events of our association are countless throughout the year. Let's find them out together!

Assemblies: Agora ed EPM


L’Agora rappresenta l’assemblea generale dell’associazione, sicuramente la più affascinante. Si tiene 2 volte l’anno (in primavera ed autunno) e riunisce dai 600 ai 1000 studenti per 4 giorni.
È l’evento statutario più importante di AEGEE-Europe, poiché gli associati di tutta Europa si riuniscono per decidere insieme il futuro dell’organizzazione.
Solitamente è un’occasione che cambia le prospettive e dinamiche di chi è in AEGEE: in esso infatti viene eletto il Comité Directeur (direttivo europeo), approvato il bilancio europeo, revisionato lo statuto, le sue linee guida eccetera.

The main decisions and discussions are announced (and when voted on) during the Plenary sessions, which take place at the beginning and end of the assembly for all 4 days.
In the interlude, on the other hand, parallel sessions are opened, called Prytanie: small discussions and proposals which, at the end, always require approval of the Plenary. Each member has the possibility, if deemed valid enough, to open a Prytania, so that everyone has freedom of expression within the assembly.

Associates can participate as:

People who can participate in the Agora but do not have the right to vote or attendance obligation.

Locally appointed persons with the right to vote for their antenna. The Delegate can express himself at each collective voting session in the Plenary and vote for the proposals discussed within the Prytanie.


The European Planning Meeting (or EPM) is an event aimed at looking towards the future interests of the organization.
It gathers from 200 to 300 members of AEGEE, in order to establish the objectives of the Action Agenda for the following year.

It also includes a thematic conference on major current issues concerning Europe and its possible developments, during which participants take part in workshops, thematic activities, discussion panels and round tables.

Network Meeting

Network Meetings are smaller international events, in which about 30 people take part.
Organized in spring and autumn in around 10 destinations around Europe, during these events AEGEE European bodies can introduce themselves to members and explain what they do, while members can discuss common issues and work on new projects in a of non-formal education environment, improving their team building skills.
The approach is always very interactive and includes workshops, simulations, presentations and discussions.

The Network Meetings are highly recommended for those who have recently started their volunteering activity in AEGEE and would like to better understand how it works, but also for members who want to improve their social skills, especially in the field of team building and problem solving.

Personal development events

  • LOCAL TRAINING COURSE (LTC): events with a variable duration of few days with the aim of training and informing members about the association in general, developing their soft skills and promoting team building;
  • REGIONAL TRAINING COURSE (RTC): internal training event aimed primarily at board members from a large geographic region (may include multiple countries);
  • EUROPEAN SCHOOL 1: one week course on how to maintain an antenna or run a project;
  • EUROPEAN SCHOOL 2: more advanced course on the development of the AEGEE NGO lasting 10 days, it serves to prepare people to take responsibility in AEGEE at a European level;
  • FUNDRAISING EUROPEAN SCHOOL: 1 week of ES based on Fundraising;
  • IT EUROPEAN SCHOOL: 1 week of IT-based ES;
  • PUBLIC RELATIONS EUROPEAN SCHOOL (PRES): ideal for any PR activity (there are also the more advanced PRES 2);
  • SUPS: acronym of Summer University Project School, brings together 20 to 50 volunteer Summer University organizers to improve their skills in the organization of a Summer University;
  • TRAINING NEW TRAINERS: AEGEE-Academy, a special antenna for trainers of all nationalities, organizes these trainings to update and prepare the trainers of the future.

Other Events

  • LOCAL TRAINING COURSE (LTC): events with a variable duration of few days with the aim of training and informing members about the association in general, developing their soft skills and promoting team building;
  • REGIONAL TRAINING COURSE (RTC): internal training event aimed primarily at board members from a large geographic region (may include multiple countries);
  • EUROPEAN SCHOOL 1: one week course on how to maintain an antenna or run a project;
  • EUROPEAN SCHOOL 2: more advanced course on the development of the AEGEE NGO lasting 10 days, it serves to prepare people to take responsibility in AEGEE at a European level;
  • FUNDRAISING EUROPEAN SCHOOL: 1 week of ES based on Fundraising;
  • IT EUROPEAN SCHOOL: 1 week of IT-based ES;
  • PUBLIC RELATIONS EUROPEAN SCHOOL (PRES): ideal for any PR activity (there are also the more advanced PRES 2);
  • SUPS: acronym of Summer University Project School, brings together 20 to 50 volunteer Summer University organizers to improve their skills in the organization of a Summer University;
  • TRAINING NEW TRAINERS: AEGEE-Academy, a special antenna for trainers of all nationalities, organizes these trainings to update and prepare the trainers of the future.